Saturday, November 21, 2009

Top 5: Social Media Lessons from PodcampAZ

from Wordpress to crowdsourcing to personal branding, fellow digital gurus shared their best tips at PodCampAZ. It started off with tips from a millenial talking about blogging and included the story behind the famed ShalerJump.

Here’s the top 5 outtakes from a great PodCampAZ Conference:

1. Wordpress Blog Development. As blogging continues to expand it’s popularity (with over 250,000 bloggers on WordPress today), there are a few tips that can take your game to the next level. First off, you should update your Wordpress as the latest version has additional security. Top recommended plugins include All-in-One-SEO, Wickett-Twitter-Widget, Podpress, and WpTouch.

2. Personal Branding. Fame is subjective: the second that one person that you don’t know, comes to admire you, you have begun your road to fame. Brian Shaler shared his tips on paving the road to a higher profile, “Be creative and interesting, do some experiments, and make it talk-worthy. Above all, actively manage your personal brand by giving people a way to summarize you in a memorable way. Taglines help.”

3. Social Audience Segmentation. Your social marketing efforts will work better if they are targeted and relevant. Of course, it’s a little more difficult to target in social media than it is using direct mail. To help you think about your audiences, you can use Forrester’s Groundswell tools (free) which is a social technographer based on audience participation in social media: creators, critics, collectors, joiners, spectators, and inactives.

4. Crowdsourcing. Crowdsourcing and crowdfunding can help lower the barriers to entry by providing you with greater access to resources. Ariel Ferreira of Local Motors shared tips on getting the community involved, “Have an open call to engage customers in making something together. You want to get active participants who are invested. Once the crowd is involved, you might be surprised at some of the outcomes, so keep an open mind.” For those who haven’t heard of Local Motors, they are a cool auto startup that crowdsources their design so that they are literally...

To read more about PodCampAZ, go to Sparxoo, a digital marketing, branding and business development blog.

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