I wanted to vent. as in I was very sad, because my google adsense account disable / block. hikzzz,,, I was very sad. I do not know why google blocked my blog. why? if I make a mistake? what should I do? hiks,, it makes me sad shocked and prolonged.
I could advertise on other providers. but goole not yet replied to my objection. I am so confused. if I keep the google adsense or switch to another provider. was 3 days more, I do not be confused with a caveat in my mind to google.
What should I do?
Hmm, how did you register to google adsense? Did you directly register from http://www.google.com/adsense? Or, did you directly insert google adsense widget from your blog? If you want to get approved easily, have some posts first, then directly insert the widget from your blog, not from http://www.google.com/adsense :)
ReplyDeleteI've signed up, and got rejected, but I continue to apply. there is no information that I have accepted, but the blog has no additional applications for google adsense. when I try to use these applications, there explained that my account has been disabled. hiks, I do not know why. :(
ReplyDeleteHmm, when you go to your account on www.blogspot.com, click the Settings button on your blog, then go to Layout -> Page Elements, there you can add widget to your blog, and on the widget lists, you should see Google Adsense widget :) Btw, I've new earning sites, free 3 months silver membership at the moment, be fast! See it on my blog, http://earningslab.blogspot.com ^^
ReplyDeleteriel, sori pake bahasa indonesia.
ReplyDeletekurang ngerti maksudnya nih..
apakah maksudnya kamu udah pernah daftar, dan di approved, trus diblock?
atau baru mau daftar, dan diblock?
kl bisa add FB sy ya..
@budi: iya, ga pa2 :)
ReplyDeletegktw nie, dah beberapa hari ini digantungin sama google adsense. seminggu yang lalu, saya daftar daftar google. dan dijawab di hari kemudiannya, bahwa saya ditolak. truz, walaupun ditolak, saya mengajukan lagi (kurang lebih smp 3 atau 4) dan gak ada jawaban dari google. sampai beberapa hari kemudian, di blog saya telah ada tambahan aplikasi namanya "monitize". di aplikasi itu, ternyata bisa untuk mengatur adsense dari google.
nah pas mau diatur, eh, malah gak bs. keterangnnya : "The existing AdSense account at rielovemanga@gmail.com has been disabled"
trus, saya mengajukan keberatan, dengan mengisi form untuk mengaktifkan akun. dan sampai sekarang gak dibales sama google.
kalau gitu kenapa y??
apa saya tetap menunggu balasan google, atau beralih ke provider iklan lain??
mohon pencerahannya :( hikzzzzz